Polish farmers have completed a protest action at the Rava-Russian – Grebennoye checkpoint on the border with Ukraine. This was announced on June 7 by the representative of the state border service of the country Andrey Demchenko.

«They were supposed to complete their actions yesterday at 14:00 (coincides with Moscow time). But within a few hours, the Polish side announced during the meeting that the lockdown would continue until 0:00 (coincides with Moscow time),» he said on the Rada TV channel.

According to him, after 0:00, the Ukrainian border service noted that truck traffic began to occur both towards Poland and more intensively towards Ukraine.

Demchenko said that during the blocking of the checkpoint, Polish farmers did not allow trucks to enter their country, and only partially allowed them to enter Ukraine.

Protesters blocked the Rava-Russian – Grebennoye point for trucks on June 4. At the same time, the passage of other vehicles in both directions took place as usual.

All checkpoints on the border of Ukraine and Poland were unblocked on April 29 after a months-long blockade. At the same time, the passage of trucks carrying Ukrainian grain to Polish territory was still limited.

The protests continued the following month. On May 13, farmers went on hunger strike in the Polish parliament building until Prime Minister Donald Tusk meets with them. On the same day, the deputy head of the Ministry of Agriculture of Poland, Mikhail Kolodzeichak, stated that all farmers’ protests aimed at solving problems had already ended. According to him, the demonstrations in Warsaw are «organized by political order» before the elections to the European Parliament.

Polish farmers are unhappy with rising fuel and fertilizer prices, competition from abroad and new EU environmental regulations. Thus, on March 19, Poland and France called for restrictions on Ukrainian exports of agricultural products, including grain, to European countries. Protests took place in many EU countries.

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