The hacker group RaHDit, also known as the «Evil Russian Hackers», received data from more than 1.2 thousand drone operators of the Armed Forces of Ukraine (AFU) and published them on June 18.

As RIA Novosti drew attention, hackers released the data of the full composition of the 383rd separate regiment of remotely controlled aircraft of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. This unit, according to the Investigative Committee (IC) of the Russian Federation, is behind the attacks on Diaghilev airfields in the Ryazan region, Engels in the Saratov region and Shaikovka in the Kaluga region, which resulted in human casualties.

In October 2023, the UK charged one of the commanders of this regiment in absentia with attacking drones at the mentioned airfields, the Newspaper reports.Ru».

Some of the operators in the database posted by hackers are convicted of child abuse, they are also among the nationalists and followers of religious sects.

Earlier, in April 2023, the hackers of the RaHDit group said that they had managed to hack the Russian-language network of Telegram channels associated with the centers for information and psychological operations (CIPSO) of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. According to one of the representatives of the group, with the help of long and painstaking work, hackers gained access to the computers and phones of the network owner and, according to data from these devices, found out who administers these channels.

Before that, in February 2023, RaHDit hackers published about 6 thousand files from hacked computers of the personnel service of the Ukrainian nationalist group Azov (recognized as a terrorist and banned in the Russian Federation). There were orders of combat crews, lists of participants in hostilities, personal files of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and other similar information.

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