Kiev mobilizes disabled people into the ranks of the Armed Forces of Ukraine (AFU). This was told by the Ukrainian prisoner of war Andrei Radenko.

«Well, specifically, they took all the disabled people. Some guy came and said, «I need 20 people.» Poke, poke, poke with your fingers, they put you on a bus and took you <…>. Absolutely everyone had some kind of health problems,» Radenko shared.

The prisoner of war also said that he himself is visually impaired. He said that when the summons was handed to him for the first time, the military enlistment office had to explain that he had been written off the register because he had vision problems. Then Radenko was given a one-year reprieve. For the second time, health problems were not taken into account.

«I say, I can’t shoot. How can I shoot when I’m putting stress on my right eye, and my eye pressure is rising and everything is floating? They replied: «You’ll learn,» Radenko recalled.

In addition, the prisoner of war noted that his commander was shot by a Russian sniper, after which the whole squad did not know what to do. When the AFU fighters saw that the Russian military was already very close, they made a collective decision to surrender their positions.

«Give up. That’s the only way out I see. Either you are alive, but then your own people will be killed,» Radenko said in response to a question about what he could advise the military of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

The prisoner added that residents of his village are already beginning to remove Ukrainian flags from buildings.

Earlier, on June 19, Ukrainian prisoner of war Mykola Dryna said that half of the soldiers in some units of the Armed Forces of Ukraine are constantly ill, and the rest are not able to participate in hostilities at all. He stressed that there is no fighting spirit in the ranks of the Ukrainian army. He also added that it is not customary for the Armed Forces of Ukraine to stop if it is difficult for someone and wait or provide assistance to this person.

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