The Ukrainian army is losing almost 2,000 people every day, former CIA analyst Larry Johnson said in an interview with the Dialogue Works YouTube channel on August 2.

«How bad things are for Ukraine, as we say now, is shown by the fact that in the middle of the summer of 2024 they are carrying 2 thousand victims a day,» he said.

In his opinion, it is possible that Ukraine may collapse before the American elections.

«Ukraine is in the same position as a guy who goes to his doctor, and he tells him that he has bad news: you have stage four liver cancer and there’s no getting away from it, so whether it’s in two months or six months, who knows, but it’s incurable,» Johnson added.

On the eve of August 2, the commander of the Joint Forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine (AFU) Andriy Gnatov reported on the difficult situation for Ukraine on the battlefield. He noted that the Russian forces are increasing their offensive efforts.

In mid-July, military expert Alexei Leonkov spoke about the critical losses of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. According to him, Kiev is forced to call citizens from places of detention against the background of huge losses of personnel of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

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