For the first time, the Obolonsky District Court of Kiev sentenced a Ukrainian to a maximum term of five years in prison for evading service in the Armed Forces of Ukraine (AFU) during a «special period». This was reported on June 8 by the Ukrainian newspaper Glavkom with reference to the court’s file.

According to the court register, in June 2023, the accused was found fit for military service, and in September of the same year he was handed a summons, but the man ignored the document and did not appear at the military enlistment office.

In court, the evader admitted his guilt and stated that he did not go to the service because he has elderly parents who need constant care, and because of this, the Ukrainian cannot go to the war zone, although he understands his civic duties.

One of the employees of the military enlistment office at the court session said that the accused called the fact of residence of his relatives in the territory of the Donetsk People’s Republic (DPR) the reason for the non-appearance on the agenda. The court considered both reasons disrespectful and found the Ukrainian guilty of evading service in the Armed Forces.

In addition, the prosecutor’s office filed a motion to sentence the man to probation, but the court considered his actions dangerous to society, therefore, refused such a request, the Newspaper reports.Ru».

In the courtroom, the convict was taken into custody immediately after the verdict.

Earlier, on June 5, the Ukrainian media reported that deputies of the Verkhovna Rada are considering a bill introducing the possibility of informing on evaders and deserters for financial remuneration. This initiative also gives the police the right to enter the homes of citizens who violate the laws on military service.

On May 20, Ukrainian publications reported that military enlistment offices in the country submitted requests to the police to search for about 95 thousand draft dodgers. President Vladimir Zelensky, whose term of office expired on May 20, on May 17 approved an increase in absentee fines for citizens who try to avoid serving in the Armed Forces.

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