The Lithuanian authorities will close the higher education program for Ukrainian refugees at the request of Kiev. This was announced on Monday, July 15, according to LRT.

The publication clarified that the state will continue to reimburse the cost of education for those citizens of Ukraine who have already enrolled in university. However, this service will not apply to new arrivals in the country.

«We will organize all measures of assistance to Ukrainian citizens living in Lithuania in accordance with the needs of the Ukrainian state, in cooperation, without encouraging brain drain from Ukraine,» the Ministry of Education, Science and Sports of the country noted.

Earlier, on June 26, it was reported that the European Union (EU) decided to extend the temporary protection regime that operates in the association for refugees arriving from Ukraine. The EU Council explained that temporary asylum includes granting a refugee the right to stay in a European country, to work, medical and social assistance, as well as education for children.

Prior to that, on June 22, Alexander Dobrindt, chairman of the Christian Social Union (CSU) land group in the Bundestag, said that stricter obligations should be introduced in Germany for Ukrainian refugees: they should either work in Germany or go to the western regions of their native country. He also drew attention to the fact that payments for asylum seekers deprive them of an incentive to get a job.

Polish Defense Minister Vladislav Kosinyak-Kamysh announced on April 25 that Warsaw is ready to return men of military age to Ukraine for mobilization. Political scientist Ivan Mezyuho attributed this to the country’s fatigue with Ukrainian refugees.

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