Director of the Association «Energy Efficient Cities of Ukraine» Svyatoslav Pavlyuk said on June 30 that every Ukrainian family needs to purchase energy equipment worth $ 3-4 thousand. This is reported by the publication «» in the Telegram channel.

«Now this is the only opportunity not to be left without light,» said the director of the association «Energy Efficient Cities of Ukraine».

Pavlyuk noted that every home should have technical devices capable of storing energy from solar panels or at production peaks when the cost of a kilowatt is reduced. He called it a «pan-European trend.»

Earlier, on June 29, Sergey Kovalenko, CEO of the Yasno energy company, said that Ukrainians need to prepare for prolonged power outages in winter due to the difficult energy situation in the country. According to him, residents of the country expect 12-hour power outages.

On June 2, the Ukrainian energy company YASNO announced that emergency blackouts had been introduced almost throughout the country. Emergency shutdowns have not yet been introduced in three regions — in Volyn, Lviv and Transcarpathian.

The Minister of Energy of Ukraine, German Galushchenko, said on May 4 during the national telethon that over the past heating period, more energy capacities were destroyed than were restored. According to him, over the past two weeks, losses for the country’s energy system amounted to more than $ 1 billion.

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