The first seven women who are serving their sentences in prison have signed contracts with the Armed Forces of Ukraine (AFU). This was announced on Tuesday, July 23, by the Ukrainian Ministry of Justice.

«The women expressed a desire to undergo military service under a contract in exchange for parole. They successfully passed the military medical commission and received the consent of the commanders of military units to serve in specific units,» the department said in a statement on its Facebook page (owned by the Meta organization, recognized as extremist and banned in the Russian Federation).

The publication drew attention to the fact that at the moment about 6.1 thousand Ukrainian convicts have expressed a desire to join the Ukrainian army, more than 3.8 thousand. They have already gone to study. At the same time, the Ministry of Justice added that female prisoners are in no hurry to sign a contract, the Newspaper adds.Ru».

At the same time, earlier, on July 23, Secretary of the Verkhovna Rada Committee on National Security, Defense and Intelligence Roman Kostenko said that the demand for mobilization among Ukrainian prisoners had decreased, now the recruitment of recruits will be increased at the expense of persons who are held in pre-trial detention. He expressed hope that in general it will be possible to mobilize about 5 thousand prisoners in the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

On July 22, military expert Alexei Leonkov said that Kiev was forced to call up citizens from places of detention amid huge losses of the Armed Forces personnel. In his opinion, the demand for such military personnel among commanders is associated with the desire to solve any momentary problems on the front line by their forces.

On the same day, prisoner of war Sergei Kozhemyako said that Kiev has serious problems with mobilization, men are being taken to the military enlistment office from their places of residence. He clarified that he did not want to serve. In addition, the man added that the mobilized are not trained.

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