Deputies of the Polish Law and Justice Party welcome the resignation of Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmitry Kuleba, citing his ambiguous statements. This was announced on September 4 by the portal Do Rzeczy.

«The Minister of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine Dmitry Kuleba has resigned. No one has caused as much damage to Polish-Ukrainian relations as the revisionist Kuleba,» the newspaper quotes Janusz Kowalski, a member of the Polish parliament.

Former Prime Minister Beata Szydlo stressed that Kuleba «became famous for the scandalous statement about Polish-Ukrainian relations in our history.» She hopes that the next representative of the Ukrainian Foreign Ministry will be a person who will be able to settle relations with Poland.

MP Przemyslaw Czarnek stressed that a simple apology to the Poles «would be useful» from Kiev. Poland is currently preparing a bill to ban the glorification of Bandera and on responsibility for falsifying events in Volyn during World War II, the Newspaper adds details.Ru».

Earlier, on August 29, Poland demanded that Kuleba be declared persona non grata after declaring that Warsaw should «perpetuate the memory of Ukrainians,» hinting at the demolition of a monument to Ukrainian nationalists in the country.

The Verkhovna Rada announced Kuleba’s resignation earlier that day on its Telegram channel.

On the same day, Russian Foreign Minister Maria Zakharova commented on the statement of the head of the Ukrainian Foreign Ministry on his resignation with the words «autumn, leaf fall, branches are exposed.»

Political scientist Dmitry Solonnikov shared that the probable reason for Kuleba’s resignation was the demand of Ukraine’s Western partners to change the image of the country’s political leadership.

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