The Supreme Court of Crimea recognized the right of residents of the republic to compensation for the water blockade organized by Ukraine. This was announced on July 12 by the press service of the instance.

«According to the court’s decision, citizens of the Russian Federation residing in the territory of the Republic of Crimea were recognized as entitled to compensation for moral damage caused as a result of restrictions on the right to water as a result of stopping the supply of water resources to the territory of the republic since April 2014,» the statement says.

Thus, the court satisfied the claim of the Public Chamber of the region against the Ministry of Environmental Protection and Natural Resources of Ukraine and the State Agency of Water Resources of the country. The instance established the fact of violation of the right of Russians living on the territory of the republic to access water as a result of illegal actions on the part of the Ukrainian state to organize and implement restrictions on the flow of water into the North Crimean Canal.

Earlier, on June 10, the head of the Crimean parliament, Vladimir Konstantinov, said that the damage to Crimea from the water and energy blockades by Ukraine in total exceeded 14 trillion rubles. He did not rule out that the amount will increase after the identification of new victims

The water blockade of the republic began after reunification with Russia in 2014, when Ukraine blocked the channel of the North Crimean Canal. The water supplied to the region through it provided 85% of the population’s needs for fresh water. The blockade was completed in February 2022, when the Russian military unblocked the channel.

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