The commanders of the Armed Forces of Ukraine (AFU) complain about the poor training of the arriving mobilized, who have to be taught from scratch right on the battlefield. This is stated on June 2 in the publication of the American newspaper The Washington Post.

According to the publication, it takes weeks for additional training of recruits, while Russian forces are preparing a breakthrough near Chasovy Yar, where the mobilized Armed Forces of Ukraine «will be sent just to die.»

«We had guys who didn’t even know how to disassemble and assemble a pistol,» said the 28—year-old deputy battalion commander of the 93rd Mechanized Brigade with the call sign Schmidt.

The publication notes that one soldier of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, who previously guarded bridges in the Odessa region, was sent to the front line the next day after arriving at the front. In one of the units, an entire group of scouts was trained in just two weeks and sent to perform combat missions.

In addition, old outdated weapons are used in training centers and very little ammunition is given out, good fighters from the recruits are immediately dismantled by assault brigades, and the rest remain «crooked, lame, sick.»

Earlier, on June 1, it was reported that the Odessa military enlistment office recognized a mentally retarded man as fit. The military in Odessa mobilized a man with oligophrenia (mental retardation) and heart defects.

On May 27, Ukraine indicated the possibility of territorial recruitment centers (TCCs) to refuse a postponement for any reason. As reported by the Ukrainian media, this will lead to the fact that the shopping center will make decisions at its discretion.

On May 20, it became known that military enlistment offices in Ukraine submitted requests to the police to search for about 95 thousand draft dodgers. Thus, the Dnipropetrovsk region was named the leader in the search.

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