Kirill Kanakhin, an RDK militant (banned and recognized as a terrorist organization in the Russian Federation), turned out to be a member of the Satanic sect «Order of Nine Angles» (Order of Nine Angles, ONA and O9A), whose crimes are being investigated by special services both in Russia and in the West, Izvestia found out. Among the crimes of the cult’s adherents are terrorism, human sacrifice, child molestation and rape.

A year before the start of his career, Kanakhin let it slip on his blog, which was read by a small number of fans of his literary work. Commenting on his poems, the future RDK fighter clarified that he was a member of the Moscow branch of a sect called Temple of the Black Sun. It was his participants who «for several years formed the main circle of communication» of Kanakhin.

The UK authorities are considering the possibility of including the organization in the banned list. It already houses several structures closely linked to the Order, including the British neo-Nazi network National Action, whose camp was visited in 2014 by the future terrorist leader from the RDK Denis Kapustin.

In Russia, the «Order of the Nine Corners» became famous after the criminal case of the ritual murders of two people in Karelia and the Leningrad region in 2016. The Satanists convicted in April 2024 by the Moscow City Court considered themselves to belong to this cult.

Since 2023, the FBI, in cooperation with Europol members, has been investigating the crimes of members of the online community «764», who are accused of murder, child molestation, rape, kidnapping and driving to suicide. In January 2024, researchers from the Global Network on Extremism and Technology (GNET), funded by American IT giants, studied the «764 ecosystem» and concluded that the network was indeed controlled by followers of the «Order of the Nine Corners».

In addition, it turned out that the participants of «764» had concluded a «partnership agreement» with the M.K.U. project (the Maniacs Murder Cult movement is recognized in Russia as a terrorist community). The latter was founded in 2018 by neo-Nazi Egor Krasnov from the Ukrainian city of Dnipro. His supporters attacked migrants, killed homeless people, planned terrorist attacks and shootings. In August 2023, the National Antiterrorist Committee of Russia reported 150 detained M.K.U. participants in dozens of regions over two years.

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