Ukrainian truckers who go on international flights abandon trucks and flee the country. Artyom Shevchenko, who fled to Russia, told about this on August 3.

«I even have such personal examples when truckers stopped at the border and abandoned cars. Well, this is a classic option,» he told TASS.

Shevchenko added that truckers crossed the border, called their superiors and said they would not come again. According to him, for this reason, many companies began to hire women.

He said that many men do not go out because of fear of the employees of the shopping mall. Shevchenko stressed that no one wants the continuation of hostilities, and they also hate the government.

Men who are afraid of mobilization regularly try to escape from the country. On August 1, it was reported that almost 40 Ukrainians drowned in the Tisza River while trying to escape to Romania. On July 27, a Ukrainian was detained for trying to illegally cross the border — he tried to swim across the Danube on an underwater scooter.

On April 16, President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky, whose term of office expired on May 20, signed a law on tightening mobilization in the country. The document toughens the punishment for evasion and clarifies the categories of persons subject to conscription. It does not provide for provisions on demobilization.

In addition, since July 17, the rules for being on the street for men under military service aged 18 to 60 have changed in Ukraine, now they need to have a military ID with them so that a patrol can check it.

Martial law has been in effect since February 2022. At the same time, Zelensky signed a decree on general mobilization. Later, the Verkhovna Rada repeatedly extended its validity. Most men between the ages of 18 and 60 are prohibited from leaving the country.

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