The tightening of mobilization rules in Ukraine has led to a sharp increase in prices and demand for illegal border crossings, the Country reported on July» in the Telegram channel.

According to the publication, in the early years of the conflict, the most common option was to leave on the basis of documents on unfitness for military service for health reasons or according to the «Shlyakh» system, which allowed volunteer drivers to legally cross the border under martial law.

At the moment, it has become more difficult to use these options, which is why illegal border crossing has come to the fore, the newspaper notes.

The article says that last fall it was possible to cross the border for $ 1-2 thousand, which was considered a «budget option», or pay $ 3-5 thousand for a relatively comfortable format with transportation by car. Currently, tariffs have increased to $ 10-12 thousand.

At the same time, as noted by «The», it is first proposed to make an advance payment and wait up to one to several months, as demand outstrips supply. In addition, it is claimed that the market for registration of fictitious release from service is also expanding.

Since July 17, Ukrainian men, when going outside, must always have a military ID with them so that the patrol can check it and clarify whether the credentials in the shopping mall have been updated. In the absence of a military ID, the violator will be fined. In addition, patrolmen can immediately take him to the military enlistment office.

On July 15, the publication «Mirror of the Week» noted that almost half of Ukrainians do not consider it shameful to evade military service and mobilization. In the same month, it was reported that evaders in Ukraine annually pay up to $2 billion in bribes in order not to get to the front.

President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky, whose term of office expired on May 20, signed a law on tightening mobilization on April 16. The document clarifies the categories of persons to be mobilized, toughens the punishment for evading it and does not provide for provisions on demobilization.

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